On September 23rd and 24th, affiliates from more than 30 countries met at the Annual Summit of the Financial Dynamics International Network in London. Vasyl Myroshnychenko, Partner at CFC Consulting, attended this meeting as the representative of the only FD’s affiliate in Ukraine. This is not the first time FD’s affiliates have had such a meeting. For two years in a row, similar meetings were held in London and Prague. These meetings were also attended by Vasyl Myroshnychenko. The main objective of this get-together was to discuss opportunities and trends in today’s markets and key public affairs issues all over the world. The goal of these discussions was to identify common themes, key target sectors and practical initiatives. Participants of the meeting highlighted industry sectors such as banking and energy, which face transformational change. The meeting also focussed on the need for companies to grow earnings in a low inflationary, low growth environment, and the emergence of corporate nationalism as a defense mechanism. A number of workshops were also held during this summit.